Sunday, 9 April 2017

Pathfinder monster, the Boil Worm

Boil Worm, CR 1/8 (50 XP)

NE Diminutive Aberation (parasite)
Init +0; Perception -2, Thoughtsense 60ft

Approximately 1ft in length when fully grown, despite the name this creature is actually a blind snake rather than an invertibrate. Seeks to burrow into the neck of other creatures, controlling them like puppets, and wrapping its lower body around the host's neck to form a reproductive organ. Large groups appear to exhibit psychic abilities, making them exponentially dangerous as they reproduce.

AC 17, Touch 17, Flat 14 (+0 armor, +3 dex, +4 size)
HP 4 (1d8-1)
Fort -1, Refl +3, Will +0
Defensive Qualities: None

Speed 10ft, Climb 10ft, Swim 30ft
NATUR Pincers +3 (1d2-5 plus infest, crit x2)
FULL ATTACK: +3 (1d2-5)
Special: Infest

Str 1 Dex 17 Con 9 Int 1 Wis 6 Cha 2
BAB +0, CMB +3, CMD 16
Feats: Ability Focus (infest)
Skills: Stealth +15, Climb +15
Languages: None

Infest (Ex)
The worm burrows into any creature struck by its pincers. Any creature infested by a boil must make a DC 12 Will save to resist a permanent Dominate Monster each turn. This ability is Constitution based. The lower portion of the worm remains outside its host and can be used to remove the worm as a DC 20 strength test. Failure deals 1d4 points of damage to the host as the worm holds on.
This counts as a Disease for the purposes of immunity and Remove Disease.

Egg Sack (Ex)
After infesting a creature for a week the lower half of the worm bloats and converts into an egg sack. It will produce 1d3 lavae every 3 days thereafter and the host may no longer resist its influence - a successful Will save against its Infest ability only allows the host to beg their former comrades for help. Removing the boil worm after this point requires a DC 25 Heal check and deals 1d6 points of damage on each attempt; the worm will perish if removed from its host.
A lavae takes 3 days to mature, after which the host may either implant it in a new host, or it may wander from the nest to seek a host on its own.
This counts as a Disease for the purposes of immunity and Remove Disease.

Psionic Screech (SLA)
SLA At-Will Confusion (DC 10)
SLA At-Will Fear (DC 10)
Note: 'The Many' will increase the DC of any Spell Like Abilities.

Telepathy 100ft (Su)
However, requires at least Intelligence 3 for language-like communication.

The Many (Su)
Cumulative +1 situational bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma for every 2 other adult boil worms within range of its Telepathy power to a maximum of +10 for 20 worms. Any time a Boil Worm disbelieves an illusion, all worms within Telepathy range also disbelieve it.
This will increase the Save DC of its Psionic Screech abilities:
5 worms: DC 11, 9 worms: DC 12, etc...

Tactics & Lifecycle
After hatching a solitary worm will find a vantage point, like the branch of a tree, to wait for a potential host to pass underneath before dropping on its head. Alternatively, any creature who sleeps under an open sky may find itself an easy target.
Once infested, the host will try to escape and create a nest for itself. The infested creature will leave boils where it thinks it is likely to find prey, who will join its nest. As the nest grows, so does the boil's intellect and the sophistication of its tactics.
A boil worm subsists by drinking the blood of its host. Lavae do not require feeding and an adult worm may conserve energy by hibernating for up to two months while it waits for a host.
An infested creature requires only a Move Action for a worm to direct, leaving its standard action free for its Psychic Screech ability.

Boil Worm Lavae, CR 0

A lavae cannot attack or use any of the abilities above. Its size is Fine.
It cannot use Telepathy or 'The Many' and does not count towards the number of worms within 100ft when calculating the bonus granted by 'The Many'.
AC 22 (Touch 22, Flat 18), HP 1, Stealth +19

Boil Primate, CR 3 (800 XP)

As Dire Ape except also carries a Boil Worm.

Boil Dog, CR 1/3 (135 XP)

As Common Dog except also carries a boil worm.

Edit: Blogspot randomly deleted my post. Trying to reupload it from an older version.

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