I've decided to update my tangled mess of house-rules with some more, recent, changes.
Nonlethal Damage and Wound Points
[Reminder: A character can elect to deal only nonlethal damage with a normally lethal weapon by taking a -4 penalty on their Attack Roll]
A character receiving nonlethal damage loses Vitality points as normal. The character can lose no more than a single Wound Point to the blow however. If they lose any Wound Points to nonlethal damage they must make a DC5+[Damage Received] Fort save or fall unconscious for d4 minutes (d4*10 rounds). This occurs in place of checks for Stunning. Nonlethal attacks reducing a creature to 0 Wounds may still cause a creature to begin dying.
NPCs and the Stun Threshold
Instead of rolling Fort saves everytime an NPC loses Wound Point they have a Stun Threshold equal to their Fort save modifier + 5. This is compared to the damage received. If the damage is greater than their Stun Threshold they are treated as though they failed their save vs Stunning and are stunned until the end of their next turn. This is identical to taking 10 on the Fort save, except reducing the amount of dice rolled.
Bludgeoning damage treats the threshold as 2 lower.
PCs should roll Fort saves as normal.
Duration Concentration
Spells ordinarily (ie in the book) listed as having one of the following durations:
* 1 round/level
* 1 minute/level
* 1 hour/level
May be extended by the spell's caster concentrating as a Standard Action that does not provoke an attack of oppportunity. Anything that could break your concentration when casting a spell can also break your concentration while you're maintaining one, and you cannot cast another spell while concentrating. The normal duration of the spell does not begin until your concentration is released or interrupted. Once a character has stopped concentrating (willingly or otherwise) they cannot recommence concentrating.
Properly, the new duration becomes Concentration + [old duration].
This has the effect of making certain rnd/level spells, like Summon Monster, actually useful at first level.
Edit (26th Nov 2013 @ 1855): Sleep no longer allows the depletion of Wound Points.
Edit (26th Nov 2013 @ 1907): Changed the damage of sleep to d6+1.
Edit (26th Nov 2013 @ 1943): Got rid of sleep change.
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